Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ice ban on Eigelstein

Cologne - The Women in Business Anthoula Waltereid (68) understand the world anymore. Since her flower shop on Eigelstein no longer yields enough money, she would like to change your profession.
But the city has so far rejected all of their business ideas - from the Reibekuchenstube over the Internet café to the ice cream parlor. The reason: Such a use would "cause waste problems" and put an "unwanted audience."
The small shop is located in an environment of kiosks, amusement arcades, 1-euro, import and export outlets, Dönerbuden, the drug and dozens of restaurants. Among them are bad dives posed in which free and prostitutes in and out.
That here the city is a Reibebuchen and Eisdielenverbot with "adverse public" reason, keeps the Geschäftsfau for Witz.Das Eigelsteinviertel will be renovated in 1989 for millions. Before the flower shop is being renovated the place Marzellenstraße. "An ice cream parlor here would be nice," said Anthoula Waltereid. If they can not otherwise use shop, they have to close soon.
The city however, the Appeal Board refers to the "restoration objectives. Acquired 1997, when the florist shop, was excluded in the purchase contract to use as a games room and restaurant. Also their insurance, losing in the ice cream parlor on the serving of alcoholic beverages, the officials could not be swayed. Before you hit to open a bookshop or gallery.
The case will now employ the Bezirksvertretung downtown. District Mayor Andreas Hupke: "The woman must be helped quickly. An ice cream parlor is the place but also add value - and thus comply with the remediation objectives. It is unacceptable that a woman loses her shop, and thus their retirement. "
Other shops on Eigelstein already stand empty and vergammeln.Zu Rent - last met there, the Turkish grocery store.